Your personal life countdown
Ever wanted to know how many seconds you have left on this planet?
Have you needed motivation to get out of a slump?
What if you could literally see your seconds ticking away in front of you?
"That's super morbid. Why?"
- A Coworker
Features & Specifications
- Cool exposed integrated circuits
- Completely hackable
- Sometimes works as a clock
- Extra motivation to get work done
- Free existential crises
- Integrated with electricity
- Great* gift.
* Debatable
With, you will live your life to its fullest, spending every finite second of your life doing the things you love.
Wait, it's real?But seriously what is it?
It's a teensy powered device with 10 digits that counts down the seconds you have to live.
You just have to set your birthday and the current time.
Of course assumptions are made about your lifespan but frankly, do you really think you'd have this till the day you die?
What was that?
You will?
That's great! It's open source and you're encouraged to tinker with the code.
from $39.00
This is the coolest thing I've ever made. 10/10 would make again.
- Me
Hate the name, sounds like a stupid startup.
- A "friend"
- Coworker
didn't get one, 5/7
- Brother
I ask myself this every day.
Why do we really do anything? I thought it would be fun to do. (Spoiler: It was.)
Check out my blog post to find out more.
With wires and breadboards.
I like electricity. It makes my daily life easier.
One day, I realised that if you put electricity in copper with a sprinkle of diodes, you can create really awesome stuff.
Check out my technical blog post for an in-depth rambling of the build process.
Who am I?
Part time hobbyist, part time tinkerer, part time maker, part time daydreamer. Sometimes is actually productive.